

有在美國吃過中餐的人,一定對這個小小形狀特殊的餅乾不陌生,妙的是這還只有在美國能見到(現在其他國家的中餐館也偶有可見),通常是在結帳時,店員會跟著帳單一併送上,稱為Fortune cookie幸運籤詩餅/幸運餅乾(見上圖)。



我的一些美國朋友曾問過我Fortune cookie是不是台灣和中國的傳統,華人是不是每餐飯後都會吃,當聽到我說,不是,我來美國前從沒在台灣和中國看過和吃過這餅乾,和幸運餅乾是美國的點心時,都覺得既訝異又有趣。

Fortune cookie口感薄脆,是帶著亞洲風味的美式餅乾,造型很亞洲,裡面裝著籤詩好像有點神秘和玄機感。



沒有歷史記載也沒有人能說出籤語餅的起源到底是哪裡,現在一般認為舊金山中國城裡的金門麵包廠為製造發源地,而一個名為萩原真(Makoto Hagiwara)的日本人最先開始在金門公園內的日本茶園對外供應。


每年的6月20日還是美國的幸運餅乾日Fortune Cookie Day唷~





底下來看一些有趣(莫名其妙)的籤語吧! Fortune Cookie Quotes:

Your dream will come true when you least expect it.

Let not your hand be stretched out to receive and shut when you should repay.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

You don't need talent to gain experience.

A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Today you shed your last tear. Tomorrow fortune knocks at your door.

Be patient! The Great Wall didn't got build in one day. (那你把羅馬放哪去了?)

Think you can. Think you can't. Either way, you'll be right. (所以呢?)

Wisdom is on her way to you. 

Digital circuits are made from analog parts.

If you eat a box of fortune cookies, anything is possible. (老闆, 再來一盒餅乾!!!!!)

The best is yet to come. 

I'm with you. (厄... 你是鬼嗎?)

Be direct,usually one can accomplish more that way. 

A single kind work will keep one warm for years. 

Ask a friend to join you on your next voyage.

In God we trust. (這是抄襲一美元鈔票上的吧?)

Love is free. Lust will cost you everything you have. (挺有道理的)

Stop searching forever, happiness is just next to you.

You don't need the answers to all of life's questions. Just ask your father what to do.
Jealousy is a useless emotion. 

You are not a ghost. (謝謝你告訴我)

Before you can be reborn you must die. (這就是置之死地而後生的意思嗎? 軍曹大人)

It better to be the hammer than the nail. (打人比被打好?)

You will soon discover a major truth about the one you love most.

Your life will prosper only if you acknowledge your faults and work to reduce them.

Pray to God, but row towards shore. (神會怒... = =)

You will soon witness a miracle. 


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